Entrepreneur dies at 25
Tragedy strikes again.
Another heartbreak for New Orleans!
Tragedy strikes again.
Another heartbreak for New Orleans!
It seems like every couple of days New Orleans loses one
Of its treasured entrepreneurs.
These people are the hope for the city and we must call
It took me a couple of minutes to get it, but imagine,
He's 25 and has 3 sons and 6 daughters
NINE welfare recipients collecting $1500 each.....
That equals $13,500 a month !!! Now add food stamps,
Free medical, free school lunches, on and on and on.
Now that, to me, is a real Entrepreneur.
Do the math, that's over $156,000.00 a year.
Anybody out there sittin' on their a-- while reading
this message making that kind of money?
And people wonder what is wrong with country.
Welcome to the real world. Remember that the government does have an income. The government can not give anything to anyone that they did not first take from someone else UNDER THE THREAT OF PRISON. That 156,000 dollars a year was paid by YOU! How does that feel? Imagine if instead of sending that money to the government to give to that slime ball, the government decided to skip being the middle man and had you simply write a check Larmondo Flair Allen. You would probably refuse. Why is it OK if the government sends your money to Larmondo for you? We are slaves to a nation of recipients and just do not understand the facts. Have a nice day!
Larry and Stacey
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