Friday, April 30, 2010

Death of the Second Amendment

If you have not seen this before you must watch it to see how BHO is going to use foreign treaties as a way of nullifying the second amendment and even providing himself with a way to say that he really did not want to do it.  One world order. 
I believe and expect that when the UN or BHO or whoever call for gun confiscation it will again be the shot heard around the world.  When the British Marched on Concord and Lexington to confiscate the colonists guns and powder, the first shots of the American Revolution were fired.  I will say it again.  If you hear that the government has taken my guns, you will know that I am dead. 
The right to defend oneself is a God given right.  With out the means of self defense the right has no meaning.  In virtually every country where the guns were seized the right of self defense no longer exists.  In England if you defend yourself against a criminal you will be arrested and treated exactly the same as the criminal.  You have no right to defend your family from a criminal attack and once the government takes our guns, our God given right to self defense will soon be legislated away.
Once disarmed there will be no end to the power grab by the government.  Once disarmed we will be at the mercy of an ever growing army of street thugs, gangsters and criminals who have no mercy.  The definition of a free man is one who is not disbarred from owning and using weapons.  There are very few free people left in this world and we may soon join them in assuming the status of a surf and eternal victim..

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