The evidence keeps coming in. The questions keep getting louder. The fact that members of the parliament in Kenya referred to BHO being born in Kenya in 2008 and again on 3-10-10 seems to get no reaction from the American press. The fact that BHO attended college on foreign student grants is documented. His school registration claiming his citizenship as Indonesian is available. His travel to Muslim countries which could not be visited on an American passport at the time encourages no investigation from the American press. This case has appeared in court several times and instead of his attorneys simply producing a complete authenticated complete birth certificate they continue to fight the issue on technicalities. If he is an American all he need do is have his attorneys present a legitimate birth certificate. Why will they not do so and put an end to all of this?
I do not know where he was born. I do not claim to have any special information. I am not a "birther". I simply ask two questions. The main stream press acquired secret tapes of Tiger Woods talking on the phone to his many lovers with in days of the car crash. They knew that his wife broke out the windows of his SUV and which golf club she used to do it. They had the name of every mistress and the details of every affair. Yet they have not been able to learn ANYTHING about the history, background or even citizenship of the man occupying the office of the President of the United States. Why is that?
If the question of BHOs citizenship is nonsense why will he not simply produce the documents and put an end to the controversy. It is said that he has spent about a million dollars to pay attorneys to avoid having to produce the documents. His original authentic birth certificate and the passport he used to travel to the middle East when he was about 20 years old, would be nice for starters. If he is an American why does he not simply prove it and we can all move on. I am beginning to suspect that he does not because he can not. Where is the American press in all of this. Even most of the conservative talk show hosts will not touch this with a ten foot pole. Why? I must assume that they are more afraid of being called racist than they are afraid that their country is being run by an illegitimate president.
The fact that his college records and grades, his theses, and so many things about his life have been sealed and hidden from the American people only add to the suspicion. The fact is, the American people know very little about the man sitting in the oval office with 500 strategic nuclear ICBMs at his finger tips. More and more average Americans are starting to ask who is this man, what is his history and why are his policies so radical. Perhaps part of the answer has to do with his true loyalties which do not seem to be with the American people.
I would much prefer that BHO would prove his citizenship to the satisfaction of the American people than have so many Americans continue to wonder if their president is even a citizen. I would prefer that those who doubt his legitimacy would be proven wrong than continue to have this shadow hanging over our country. If on the other hand, it were proven that BHO is not an American the nation would have to deal with the situation as she has dealt with so many problems in history. By law congress would be required to impeach him. If they refused BHO would at the very least lose all of his political capital and become a lame duck. As BHO is so fond of saying. "elections have consequences." In this case America would have to make the best of the situation and go forward as they always have. However, not knowing for certain one way or the other is going to be more and more harmful to our nation and our military as time goes on.
Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
(Apr. 11, 2010) — A member of the Kenyan Parliament has stated in a meeting of that body on March 25, 2010 that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. The statement, which discussed the concept of “devolution,” or ethnic inclusion, reads: “If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation, how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the President of America?” A screenshot of page 31 of the Minutes where the statement appears is below. The Post & Email recently reported the statements of numerous news sources, one of which was NPR, which reported Obama’s birthplace as Kenya, not Hawaii. The Kenyan ambassador to the United States also affirmed that Kenya is Obama’s birthplace, stating that it was “well-known.” Obama’s wife Michelle identified Kenya as her husband’s “home country” while addressing a group of gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexuals during the presidential campaign of 2008. The Kenyan Parliament had previously referred to Obama as a “son of the soil” of Kenya on November 5, 2008, in a meeting convened the day after the 2008 U.S. presidential election (p. 3275, right column). With numerous sources reporting that Obama was born in a foreign country to a foreign father and only one person in the entire world stating that Obama was born in Hawaii, with no corroborating evidence offered in violation of Hawaii law, where is the U.S. military? What are they doing taking the orders of an apparently illegitimate Commander-in-Chief? Is there only a handful of men and women with enough patriotism to stand up and demand that the putative president prove himself? At this point, the entire burden has been borne by Major Stefan Cook, Lt. Col. Easterling, Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, and their respective attorneys. These active members of the military have taken a stand by refusing to take the orders of someone who appears to be usurping the office of the Presidency. But where is the rest of the military? What is Admiral Mullen doing, and how is he upholding his oath to the Constitution? Where are the members of what used to be the finest fighting force in the world? Why will they not come forward and demand Obama’s documentation? Do they really think that “we the people” are going to sit by and watch as our Constitution has been violated in the most egregious fashion by the biggest political heist in U.S. history? Do the Joint Chiefs sit in their offices in comfortable chairs, collecting handsome paychecks and benefits, while the rest of us are made to suffer under a usurper, a tyrant, and a foreigner? Do they not care that they and their subordinates are taking the orders of an imposter, a foreigner, exactly the thing that Alexander Hamilton warned us against? This has gone beyond political. It has gone beyond “He said he was born in Hawaii.” It has gone beyond, “I didn’t know.” The evidence that Obama is a foreigner without any claim to the presidency is overwhelming. Now it’s time to make the top brass do its job. For if they have become just like the politicians and will not take action to remove a usurper, they will also need to be replaced.
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