l wonder how the 78 % of American Jews who voted for BHO feel about all of this. What the hell are people thinking? Will they never learn that Hitler was a Socialist and on the same page as Carl Marx. Hitler was on the left not on the right as the progressives have been telling us for 60 years. Hitler was a left wing extremist now believed by American Jews to have been a right wing extremist. I suspect that this is the reason American Jews feel that they have more to fear from the right but it is not true. Stalin on the far left killed at least 7 million in the Ukraine by seizing their crops and leaving them to die. Is Stalin on the right or on the left? Mao killed 70 million of his people, was he on the right or on the left. Pol Pot killed a couple of million of his people, was he on the right or on the left? 100 million people killed by their own governments during the 20th century. Nearly all of these slaughters were committed by left wing governments including Hitler.
The bumper sticker slogan that I have heard from so many Jews, "We have always had more to fear from the right than from the left," shows am amazing lack of knowledge regarding history. All people including Jews have always had more to fear from left wing governments which have murdered millions of civilians around the world. I think that this lack of understanding is why the Jews in this country support the left. How much more will BHO have to do to undermine the security of Israel before the Jews in this country figure all of this out. American Jews are by and large an educated group, there must be reasons for this loyalty to the left and this is all that I can come up with.
The Prophetic Significance of The White House Aggression Against Israel
Reuters reports that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pulled out of a planned trip to Washington next week for a 47-country nuclear security summit hosted by the White House. The report says that Netanyahu learned that Turkey and Egypt planned to raise the question of Israel's nuclear arsenal and try to force it to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Israel has never confirmed nor denied possession of nuclear weapons as part of its security protocol. Netanyahu was planning on attending the conference because the White House had reassured him there would be no discussion on Israel's undeclared nuclear arms, but rather an opportunity to lobby support for sanctions against Iran.
Jerusalem news outlet NRG says that the White House has adopted a new policy of denying visas to Israeli Nuclear Research Center scientists who routinely came to America for continuing education on nuclear technology. In addition, One scientist told NRG, "I do not understand why all the top security is silent when our great friend is working against us in such a blatant manner." But the policy extends beyond visas. Nuclear Engineering Professor Zeev Alfasi stated that "the United States doesn't sell anything nuclear-related to the Dimona reactor, and that means absolutely nothing. Radiation detectors, for example, have to be purchased now in France because the USA refuses to sell these to Israel."
In a January 27 report, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs stated that massive US weapons sales to Arab rivals in the Middle East have eroded Israel's military superiority over its neighbors. The report said over the last year, the United States refused to approve any major Israeli weapons requests. At the same time, the White House has approved more than $10 billion worth of arms sales to Arab League states, including Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Israeli Government sources asserted that the refusal represented a White House policy to link most arms sales to Israel to progress in the US plan to establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank.
Fact is, there is an Arab who occupies the Oval Office. He was brought up in the Muslim faith tradition, his grandfather, father, and step father all Muslims. In an interview with New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof in March 2007, he "recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent...[He] described the call to prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset." Is it no wonder this man is coming against Israel? In Zechariah 12:9, the Lord, speaking of the latter days, says, "And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem." Prepare yourselves for the days ahead.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Reuters reports that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pulled out of a planned trip to Washington next week for a 47-country nuclear security summit hosted by the White House. The report says that Netanyahu learned that Turkey and Egypt planned to raise the question of Israel's nuclear arsenal and try to force it to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Israel has never confirmed nor denied possession of nuclear weapons as part of its security protocol. Netanyahu was planning on attending the conference because the White House had reassured him there would be no discussion on Israel's undeclared nuclear arms, but rather an opportunity to lobby support for sanctions against Iran.
Jerusalem news outlet NRG says that the White House has adopted a new policy of denying visas to Israeli Nuclear Research Center scientists who routinely came to America for continuing education on nuclear technology. In addition, One scientist told NRG, "I do not understand why all the top security is silent when our great friend is working against us in such a blatant manner." But the policy extends beyond visas. Nuclear Engineering Professor Zeev Alfasi stated that "the United States doesn't sell anything nuclear-related to the Dimona reactor, and that means absolutely nothing. Radiation detectors, for example, have to be purchased now in France because the USA refuses to sell these to Israel."
In a January 27 report, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs stated that massive US weapons sales to Arab rivals in the Middle East have eroded Israel's military superiority over its neighbors. The report said over the last year, the United States refused to approve any major Israeli weapons requests. At the same time, the White House has approved more than $10 billion worth of arms sales to Arab League states, including Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Israeli Government sources asserted that the refusal represented a White House policy to link most arms sales to Israel to progress in the US plan to establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank.
Fact is, there is an Arab who occupies the Oval Office. He was brought up in the Muslim faith tradition, his grandfather, father, and step father all Muslims. In an interview with New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof in March 2007, he "recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent...[He] described the call to prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset." Is it no wonder this man is coming against Israel? In Zechariah 12:9, the Lord, speaking of the latter days, says, "And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem." Prepare yourselves for the days ahead.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry
Word of Life Ministry
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