Tuesday, July 6, 2010

FBI Data Again Shows More Guns= Less Crime

Every one knows that more guns in hands of law abiding citizens equals less crime.  That is beyond dispute and has been know for decades.  The governments attempts to disarm the law abiding has absolutely nothing to do with crime, in fact these anti gun politicians know that restricting gun ownership always increases crime.  This is all about government dependency and political power.  People who have the means to defend themselves are less dependent on the government.  Government derives their power from dependency.  Increasing dependency is what the welfare state is all about.  Increasing dependency is the motivation behind the health care takeover, social security and most government programs.  If you think that the average politician does what he does because he cares about the people he is making dependent on the government, think again.  It is all about power. 
"So called "gun control" is about government power and dependency and nothing else.  Remember when they take away your means of self defense they will likewise take away your right to self defense as they have done in England.  The definition of a free man is one who is not disbarred from owning weapons.  Fortunately more and more Americans are getting this message.  According to polls, In 1968, 80 percent of Americans thought that handguns should be banned in this country.  Today that number has dropped to 20 percent.  This educational process was primarily accomplished by the NRA.  Do give up on the NRA.  They have made many mistakes but they are the 800 pound gorilla  in the room and have done more than all others to help us keep the second amendment.
Larry and Stacey Mudgett
FBI Data Again Shows More Guns = Less Crime 
  Anyone needing proof that fanaticism for gun control hasn't waned on Capitol Hill, that anti-gunners are -- as Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) put it last year -- only waiting to "pick the time," should watch the video of Mexican president Felipe Calderon's speech to Congress last month, versions of which have been posted on youtube.com. When Calderon asked that the federal "assault weapon" ban be re-imposed, a very large number of U.S. Representatives and Senators present gave him a standing ovation.
However, on May 24th the FBI released crime
statistics that should cause the applauding anti-gunners to sit on their hands. The statistics indicate that between 2008 and 2009, as gun sales soared, the number of murders in our country decreased 7.2 percent!  That amounts to about an 8.2 percent decrease in the per capita murder rate, after the increase in our nation's legal and illegal population is taken into account. And it translates into about a 10.5 percent decrease in the murder rate between 2004, when the ban expired, and the end of 2009. And finally, it means that in 2009 our nation's murder rate fell to a 45-year low. 

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