Friends and Family
Like you, we also believe that our Constitution and our Founding Fathers were divinely inspired. We believe that with out a belief in God it is impossible to fully appreciate the Constitution in all of its glory and greatness. I swore an oath to uphold the Constitution when I joined the Army, again when I joined the police department and again when I joined the "Oath Keepers". Stacey swore that same oath when she joined the police department and again recently. Stacey and I take classes on the Constitution here in Utah and we carry a copy with us at all times. Even now I would not be at all surprised if the end of my life came about while defending the Constitution.
At a time in our history when our elected officials scoff at, laugh at, ignore and trample on the Constitution we remember the words of Jefferson. From time to time the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants. We believe that such a time may be near. If a revolution to restore our Constitution and our form of government should occur we will not hide. The restrictions on the liberty of the people and the taxes imposed by King George were nothing compared to what is being forced upon us today and as these things became much worse over the next few months and years I will not be surprised to see half the country resist.
Americans may soon be forced to take sides with what is becoming a Fascist administration, or side with those who believe in the Constitution of the United States. I remind people that after the Revolutionary War 100,000 Americans were exiled because they were on the wrong side. So it may be again. Moderation and sitting on the fence may not be possible. As the otherwise very disappointing George Bush said, "you are with us or you are with the Terrorists". The battle cry may soon become, Your are with the Constitution or you are with the Marxists.
Being the best country on Earth among despicable nations is not enough. Having a better government than Mexico does not inspire us. Today and tomorrow we celebrate our Declaration of Independence from England and King George. Let us pray that our nation will return to the spirit of 1776 and that we may restore our Republic and our Constitution to their former greatness with out violence. This is the reason that Stacey and I have become Prescient Delegates , give lectures, support the 912 project and the oath keepers and work for other grass roots organizations. We want to see the revolution occur at the ballot box. We are hopeful but cautious.
We trust that this letter finds you well and we look forward to hearing from you soon. "Happy Independence Day" and may God Bless America and send her people on the right path.
Larry and Stacey
the background and font color makes this very difficult to read.